No one looks forward to growing old and acquiring bad health conditions, but this is a fact that as we age many of us develop some diseases that could detract us from our quality of life. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent aging, maintain youthful looks and a healthy body. Eating the right kind of food is the best way to maintain a healthy body and to prevent aging. Here are some of the powerful anti-aging foods that could help us prevent diseases and restore that youthful look.

Avocado (perhaps the worlds most perfect food)
1.) Promotes a healthy brain
2.) Promotes a healthy heart
3.) Rich in Folic acid
4.) Promotes eye health
5.) Good blood pressure
6.) Helps prevent blood sugar spike
7.) Anti-inflamatory
8.) Anti-aging properties
9.) Promotes digestion
10.) Prevents Cancer

1. Rich in Vitamin A that promotes good eyesight
2. Helps promote beautiful skin
3. Lowers cholesterol
4. Helps prevent cancer
5. Relieves fatigue

1. Lower blood pressure
2. Helps protect against heart attack and stroke
3. Aid weight loss
4. Helps protect against kidney,cancer,diabetes,osteoporosis and blindness
5. Help control blood sugar

1. Rich in Vitamin B6 which help promote healthy immune system
2. Can lower high blood pressure
3. Fights cancer
4. Rich in anti-oxidant power that help slow down the process of aging

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    I've been writing blog about health, lifestyle, fitness & food for almost 2 years. I'm a health conscious buff and my main goal is to give information and news about health, fitness, and its remedy.


    August 2013
    July 2013

