Yoga is a form of physical, mental and spiritual practices which brings an individual to a state of inner self and permanent peace. It was originated in ancient India in the early years, and the Hindu monks later on introduced it to the West in the late 19th century. Yoga became popular in the latter years and people associated it as a system of physical exercise as well as mental and spiritual. It is usually executed with a ritual consist of meditation and a variety of body posture.

Aside from spiritual goals and physical posture, yoga are used to reduce stress and alleviate health problems. Today, it is used as a physical therapy and a complete exercise program. Many studies have determined the effectiveness of yoga as an intervention for cancer, schizophrenia, asthma, heart disease, muscle and bone problem. A recent national survey stated that the long-term yoga practitioners have reported to have improvements in their body posture and mental health and also improve the body's flexibility and strength. Most yoga practitioners cited it as a good way to get fit and stay healthy.

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    I've been writing blog about health, lifestyle, fitness & food for almost 2 years. I'm a health conscious buff and my main goal is to give information and news about health, fitness, and its remedy.


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